Activiteiten The Filmco presents: Black Mirror Discussion Night! Technology plays a big part in our lives, but can it have a downside? What will the future hold in The AcCo presents: Story Adventure! It started with a nice walk in the woods, but it was followed by a disaster. You and your friends KCG Presents: Online Piano Concert Classical music, what does that actually mean? What does the word 'classical' mean to you? The Arts and Culture Society Late Night Workout | Get ready to stretch some muscles! The Nikè Society is organizing an online Late Night Workout on 5 Online Game Party! One of a lockdown's benefits: having a very good reason to play video games! At October 29th, we will play Trajectum Lumen (Utrecht City Lights) The Naturally Society presents: Trajectum Lumen!In the city centre of Utrecht you don't have to be afraid of the dark, Who Is the Mole? This night we’ll find out which SIBber is able to trick, sabotage and deceive you. October 15th we’ll play the Een goed gesprek met Lex Bohlmeijer Dinsdag 12 Januari 2021| 20:30 - 21:30 | Youtube en Facebook |In de podcast ‘’Goede Gesprekken’’ van De Correspondent gaat Workshop: Secret To Interviewing Tuesday December 15th 2020 | 20:00 – 21:15| Zoom|In our lives we’ll come across all kinds of interviews. From lectures, Does Money Grow on Trees? Tuesday December 8th 2020 | 20:00 – 21:15| Facebook and Youtube| Investing is something that banks do, but also something you « Previous 1 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 27 Next »